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Barrier-free e-map launched
From:Kuichong SubdistrictUpdated:2023-07-06

Shenzhen has recently introduced a barrier-free electronic map designed to provide customized routes for individuals with physical disabilities, the elderly, and others in need, Shenzhen Evening News reported recently. People in need can use the map in Dapeng New District.

Users can access the map via WeChat miniprogram “春芽无障碍地图”on mobile phones. The map classifies roads into three colors: green, orange and red, which represent varying levels of accessibility for wheelchair users.

QR code.png

The QR code of the miniprogram of Shenzhen's barrier-free e-map.

“The map makes us feel that travel is more convenient. My friends who are also physically disabled think that it is good,” Zhang Chen, who is wheelchair-bound, told the News.

The barrier-free electronic map is a travel service application specifically tailored for people with disabilities, the elderly and others with special needs. It integrates data such as urban geographic information, barrier-free facilities, and road traffic conditions. In addition to offering barrier-free route navigation to assess road conditions, the e-map also allows users to access information on barrier-free elevators, toilets, and parking lots.

“During the map’s development, we spent nearly three years surveying every corner of Shenzhen with barrier-free facilities, measuring the accessibility of each barrier-free point with a ruler,” Yu Guanbin, president of the Shenzhen Accessibility Promotion Association, was quoted as saying.

According to Yu, the map employs Bluetooth tags and QR code recognition functions to accurately identify the locations of individuals with disabilities.

The map not only displays basic barrier-free facilities, but also marks urban service locations such as shopping malls, hospitals, and government service centers. Before the official release of the map, the association also invited people with disabilities for trial tests to ensure ease of use.

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