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Pengba Channel to pass through Paiya Mountain
From:Shenzhen DailyUpdated:2023-07-19

The main section of the Pengba Channel Project has officially received approval for land pre-examination and site selection Tuesday.

The project will connect Huanba Road in the Baguang area of Kuichong Subdistrict and Yintan Road in Dapeng Subdistrict, passing through Paiya Mountain via a tunnel. The total length of the main project is approximately 5.9 kilometers, with an underground tunnel spanning about 3.44 kilometers. The total land area required for the project is approximately 8.95 hectares.


A computer-generated image of Pengba Channel Project. Courtesy of "iDapeng" WeChat account

The Baguang area is the largest contiguous development area in Shenzhen and a critical location for emerging industries such as biopharmaceuticals, life sciences, marine technology, modern agriculture, and food.

Once the project is completed, it will effectively connect the Baguang area in Kuichong Subdistrict with the Pengcheng area in Dapeng Subdistrict, improving the region’s transportation capabilities. This project is of great significance in promoting the development and construction of key areas in Dapeng New District. It will also improve the local road network structure, and strengthen urban emergency evacuation capabilities.

In the next phase, Dapeng New District will work to ensure the smooth progress of the project. It will actively coordinate with relevant departments to expedite subsequent procedures and ensure the project commences as soon as possible.

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