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Platform supports reservation of parking spaces at SZ parks
From:Shenzhen DailyUpdated:2023-07-24

Citizens can now directly reserve parking spaces at all parks across the city through the official WeChat account “美丽深圳” (mlszgzh), Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported, citing information released by the Shenzhen Municipal Urban Administration and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau. 

Since December 2021, the bureau has piloted the reservation service at the parking lots of five parks, including Shenzhen Bay Park and Lianhua Hill Park. The service has now been made available to over 70 parks, including parks in Dapeng New District, from the previous 14.

At present, the number of available parking spaces has increased from about 3,000 to over 10,000. People can make reservation up to two hours in advance.

Additionally, booking services for all newly built and renovated parking lots at parks will be integrated into the online reservation platform. Public parking lots can be booked through just one platform.

The newly upgraded platform contains various functions, such as map searching and the option to make appointments for vehicles with Hong Kong and Macao-registered license plates.

In another development, two 600-kW liquid cooled supercharging demonstration stations were launched at the west zone parking lot of Lianhua Hill Park and the west gate parking lot of Huanggang Park in Futian District.

According to related rules, public parking lots, including those of parks, will waive parking fees for the first hour for new energy vehicles (NEVs) and give two extra free hours for parking for NEVs charging in the parking lots.

Moreover, the urban management department and Shenzhen Bus Group have opened 22 “park shuttle buses” to further solve parking difficulties at parks since January 2022.

The shuttle buses connect popular parks, scenic spots, as well as surrounding popular commercial zones, communities, Metro stations and large parking lots.

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