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Boys in fever transferred to hospital amid typhoon day
From:iDapeng WeChat accountUpdated:2023-09-04

A staffer from the Yu’ao Community in Nan’ao Subdistrict came to the aid of a resident surnamed Li, who urgently requested assistance Friday afternoon. The resident, who was on duty at the frontline battling Typhoon Saola, had left his wife and two children at home. Unfortunately, both children had developed a fever, and he sought help from the community.


Chen Hailian carries the older brother to the inside upon arriving at the hospital entrance.

Upon receiving the distress call, the community promptly contacted the on-duty volunteers, Chen Hailian and Xu Xiuni, and deployed them to transport the mother and children to the hospital. Xu recounted, “We rushed to the resident’s home within five minutes after receiving the notice. Once we arrived, we swiftly helped them gather their belongings, reminded them to wear raincoats, and contacted the community to arrange a car for the mother and children’s trip to the hospital.”


A doctor treats one of the boys.

Upon reaching the hospital entrance, Xu carried the older brother inside, while Chen held an umbrella to accompany the mother and younger brother. A doctor diagnosed both boys with inflammation, and after receiving their medication, Chen and Xu escorted the mother and children back home.

“We have implemented a 24-hour service mechanism to promptly address residents’ issues and provide swift assistance whenever needed,” Chen explained.

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