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Guangdong Dapeng LNG Terminal reaches new milestone

Guangdong Dapeng LNG Terminal has recently reached a milestone of supplying over 100 million cubic tons of natural gas downstream, becoming the first LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) receiving terminal on the Chinese mainland whose supply volume and reception volume exceeded 100 million cubic tons.

Since the terminal’soperation in 2006, ithas provided stable and reliable gas supply to cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, Huizhou and Hong Kong, sznews.com reported.

The import of 100 millioncubictons of LNG from overseas is transported to gas-fired power plants and integrated into the urban gas pipeline network. This satisfies the electricity and gas needs of approximately 70 million people in the region and contributes significantly to regional economic development.

In recent years, Dapeng terminal has achieved several milestones, including the first carbon trading at a domestic receiving terminal and the first LNG unloading settlement in Chinese yuan. The terminal’s accomplishment supplying over 100 million cubic tons highlights its important role as a pioneer in China’s domestic LNG import projects. Statistics show that Dapeng’s LNG accounts for approximately 40% of Guangdong Province’s natural gas consumption and about 30% in Hong Kong, making it a major natural gas supplier in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

In recent years, Dapeng New District has made great efforts to ensure the steady development of the LNG industry, promoting projects such as the second phase of natural gas storage and peak-shaving facilities in Shenzhen, as well as the national pipeline’s emergency peak-shaving station in Shenzhen. The construction of the Dapeng LNG Corridor has started to take shape.

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