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Significant progress made on railway's Dapeng spur line
From:iDapeng WeChat accountUpdated:2023-12-08

Construction on the right lane of the Kuangshanfa Tunnel for the Dapeng spur line of the Shenzhen-Huizhou Intercity Railway has been completed, marking a major milestone in the line's development.

This particular spur line is set to connect Longcheng Station in Longgang District with Xinda Station in Dapeng New District, passing through stops, including Pingshan, Yanzi Lake, Kuichong and Dapeng stations.

Spanning 39.4 kilometers, this spur line is designed for a maximum speed of 160 km/h.

Once operational, this line will significantly reduce travel time between Dapeng and Longgang, as well as Pingshan, to just half an hour, effectively alleviating traffic congestion in Dapeng.


Constructers pose for a photo to mark the completion of the right lane of the Kuangshanfa Tunnel for the Dapeng spur line of the Shenzhen-Huizhou Intercity Railway.

Courtesy of iDapeng WeChat accnount

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