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Natural Attractions

Paiya Mountain

The peak of Paiya Mountain is 707 meters above sea level. It is the main mountain range on the North Island of the Dapeng Peninsula and the sixth highest mountain in Shenzhen. Surrounded by the sea on three sides, the rocks are rugged.


Xichong Beach

Xichong is located within Dapeng National Park, a recreational and scenic area.


Yangmeikeng Beach

Stretching only 100 meters, the beach is reputed for its fine sand and clear seawater.



As the best-developed resort in Dapeng, there are many leisure activities and facilities offered at the beach.


Egong Bay

Egong Bay, with a coastal line of about 500 meters, has the best beach with soft sand in Shenzhen.


Qiniang Mountain

The second-tallest mountain in Shenzhen after Wutong Mountain, this mountain remains mostly unexplored. Novices are advised to be cautious of taking an outing through here.

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